Portfolio & Services
"Flying for research - research for flying!" Historically founded on flying, the aerospace domain is our core business. However, our activities stretch beyond aeronautics and thus offer knowledge transfers into other domains such as automotive, maritime and healthcare. Check below for details …
Flight Research
Beyond experimental design, we do conduct development and experimental flight test for research in single projects as well as within the scope of joint undertakings (see also under research & development).
On a more operational basis, truestream aerospace offers certification flight test and
EASA-compliant maintenance check flights (MCF) including support for setting up all required organisational and procedural processes that come along with these tasks. Please also check out our operations branch under www.intrim.org.

Experimental Design
At truestream aerospace, we tailor your research needs. Be it the planning, conduct and analysis of human-in-the-loop (HIL) experiments in an aircraft, modelling, or the development und exploitation of e.g. simulation platforms for experiments in other domains, let us know how we can be of your service.
Training Design
Stemming from cognitive task analysis and modelling, truestream aerospace has developed and validated a training program design and analysis tool called TrainingSuite. TrainingSuite is now used in the airline industry and also caters for extensions and transfers into any other domain.
Please visit www.pilot-training-suite.com for our TrainingSuite.

Flight Test & Certification Services
We do offer all kinds of certification services around the pure conduct of flight test and research, e.g. development of certification plans, documentation, audits and more. Please contact us or visit www.intrim.org for further details.
Research & Development
Below you find some of our R&D work. Click on the project title to find out more.
Current Projects
inTrim – Spinning off the operational outcomes of our research, we start providing more services than ever before on www.intrim.org
TrainingSuite – Development of Scientifically Measurable, Tailored Training Design and Execution Tools.
See also: www.pilot-training-suite.com
HUMMER – Human-Machine-Interaction in Microgravity Environment Research: Check our unique experimental design and platform (FILM).
Recent Projects
SpaceJet – In Mitsubishi’s frozen SpaceJet Project, truestream aerospace contributed by one experimental test pilot that joined the test team at the Moses Lake Flight Test Center in Washingtion State (2018-2019).
See also: www.mitsubishiaircraft.com
HOLIDES – ARTEMIS-IA JU European Research. HoliDes addresses development and qualification of Adaptive Cooperative Human-Machine Systems (AdCoS) where many humans and many machines act together, cooperatively, in a highly adaptive way to guarantee fluent and cooperative task achievement (2013-2016).
See also: www.holides.eu
SESAR JU – Truestream aerospace took part in various validation exercises as an International Validation Team (IVT) member on behalf of the European Cockpit Association (ECA) (2012-2016). The subprojects we supported were:
Extended Arrival Management Horizon - E-AMAN, Integrated Airport Operations – IOA, Workshop on Legal Implementation of Future RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems), Real-time Separation Live Trial at Malmö Air Traffic Control Center and i4D Flight.
See also: www.sesarju.eu
D3CoS – ARTEMIS IA European Research (2011-2014). Design of predictive approach stabilization guidance & assistance system.
For details see: https://trimis.ec.europa.eu/project/designing-dynamic-distributed-cooperative-human-machine-systems
HUMAN – 7th framework programme joint research, subcontracted by DLR for research and experimental design on pilot error prediction and modelling (2008-2011).
See also: https://trimis.ec.europa.eu/project/model-based-analysis-human-errors-during-aircraft-cockpit-system-design
OPTIMAL I+II - OPTIMAL (Optimised Procedures and Techniques for the IMprovement of Approach and Landing) project in the 6th European framework and within ATM2000+ Programmes. Subcontracted by DLR, truestream aerospace participated in experiments on EVS (Extended Vision System)-based approaches and delivered an exploitation analysis (2007).
See also: https://trimis.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/project/documents/20121025_141035_30317_Final_publishable_report.pdf
ISAWARE II - EC 5th Framework Joint Research: HIL-Experiments on A330 simulator for the evaluation of future synthetic vision systems (2006)
Founded in 2008, truestream aerospace started a journey in a vessel packed with experience from the field, namely aviation, airline training and acceptance flight test. More and more, the focus shifted towards human-centric design solutions with an emphasis on human-machine interaction and the technological possibilities to base prototyping for hardware (flight decks) as well as software (guidance systems, and training tools) on a formal description of human-machine interaction and task distribution.
In 2011, these possibilities were expanded by starting to extend our portfolio beyond flight deck design, into other domains, i.e. healthcare, but without losing focus on flight research and flight test.
Today, after numerous research and development projects, truestream aerospace offers a broad array of expertise and services – from flight research - for aeronautical solutions and well beyond aviation.